Tuesday, May 17, 2011

May 16/17 2011

I ran out of cell phone battery on the train to my hotel. Had 3 quarters, enough for a local call but not for a long distance. And the lady behind the counter was not interested in helping me... so after 10 minutes of struggling on teh pay phone adn trying to find a number for the hotel.. SUCCESS!

I got picked up by the driver. He asked me where I'm going. I say Guatemala. He asks if I speak Spanish. I say yes... but before I could get another word out saying "not that well" He says, "I'm Cuban!" So I got a head start on my Spanish. And I befriended the guy working behind the desk and got free lasanga, garlic bread, and cheesecake from a restaurant because they have a contract with the employees and they get free food.

Plane rides were a breeze. Slept through all of it. Arrived in Guatemala City  got driven for 45 min to Antigua. Weather is not bad. My host mom is nice, only 27 though. She has a 6 month old that was born November 22.. one day after mine and August's birthday. I got an hour tour of the city, all in Spanish.. but I understood it because the kid spoke slow for me.

I went to John's house, my friend from the U of M and the last Costa Rica trip I went on. I ran into him and his friends on a street corner. I met his mom and the rest of the people in his group. There was also a 40 year old guy living there taking lessons. He has been back to Antigua multiple times. There is also a 36 year old girl staying there too. In the neighborhood, John's mom is called abuela by all of the local kids and everyone knows her as that because her house is a hangout place for them. Its different because right now its only me at the house. We went to a bar called Cafe No Se where it was only lit by candles, pretty American but it was descent.   I got home at 11. Bars here close at 1.

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